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Nov 27, 2021

Will is joined by Nick Demarco, aka TheFrenskyStar, who lends his expertise on Arthur lore to the exploration of Macbeth-as-told-by-Arthur in "Macfrensky," and Binky livening up an Emily episode in "The Good, The Bad, & The Binky." Nick also talks about his Arthur origin story and his website's place in the current...

Nov 19, 2021

It's a big freakin' red dog! Lucas and Will investigate the still-relevant children's book series and its first PBS animated adaptation, a staple of both of their childhoods. 

This is a preview of the full episode, now available on the ECL Patreon, along with dozens more hours of content!

Nov 13, 2021

A l'il late but here for your weekend! Will and Lucas sort through news and updates, including social media milestones, before discussing numerology in "Arthur's Number Nightmare," while Will relives his memories of Lost in "Brain Gets Hooked." Plus, new revelations in the Arthur canon, thoughts on tech ed/shop class,...

Nov 5, 2021

It's time for another 90's PBS staple, as Will and Lucas don their gumshoe gear and try to find the elusive master criminal! There's a lot of interesting history to this game show, from the excellent cast to the unforgettable musical talent, and the guys put their geographical knowledge to the test along the way....