Jul 28, 2017
Yeah, yeah, get your references to the popular mid-2000s television show outta the way, because the boys are talking "Lost!", as well as Game of Thrones, Splatoon 2, getting lost, stayin' up late, and Arthur's anxiety. Then, it's "The Short, Quick Summer", with Slip n' Slides and getting your bean freaked! Plus, Will...
Jul 21, 2017
Put that "sokkqer" (soqqker?) ball down, and dig on the new episode! Lucas is currently basking in the glory of the Nintendo Switch, but manages to pry himself away to discuss hiccup cures with Will in "Arthur vs The Piano", and which sport is the best in "The Big Blow-Up". All those shenanigans, plus the merits...
Jul 14, 2017
It's getting freaky on this episode! Lucas & Will talk about "Arthur's TV Free Week", and freak out about Binky's nightmares in "Night Fright"! Plus, the boys discuss each other's desert island choices, reminisce about TV circa 1997, and mutually cringe over their love of 2000s Flash animation. Plus, Will's useless...
Jul 7, 2017
Stop the presses, the podcast is back! Lucas is situated and ready to go (and Will is, too), and we're talking some wacky stuff...it's Chocolate Chicken Crunch and Lucas' history with stand-up comedy in "Buster Baxter: Cat Saver"; then, it's the age of Crazy Bus in "Play It Again, DW"! All that, plus "Bad and Boujee",...